Co-rulers Convene in Capricorn ~ 04 Oct 2016

As Venus departs Scorpio mid-month (17th), the prevailing Scorpionic intensity continues, perhaps even intensifying as Mars and Pluto, co-rulers of Scorpio, convene in Capricorn on the 18th.

Why deal with transits that are still a fortnight away? These transits possess significant potency. Sometimes with Scorpio and its rulers in the mix, it takes time to emotionally adjust to the psychic shifts that are out there. Once the feelings cozy up to circumstances in play, options appear, solutions are selected, and choices made that serve Scorpio and its planetary masters.

First, context needs to be established for the Mars-Pluto potency release package. Presently Mercury transits the anomalistic three-planet pulsar PSR1257+12 (approx. 8 Libra 32). This pulsar was the first body discovered with exoplanets - planets in orbit around something other than our star. Since this pulsar lacks the ability to create a habitat likely to support life, the remarkable discovery went largely ignored.

Still, consider how amazing the discovery was in 1992 three years before a planet was discovered around a viable star. Something other than our Sun possesses planets!? No longer can residents on Earth claim cosmic “flat world” exclusivity of Universal presence. Indubitably, there are other options out there for life. As of October 2nd, we know of 3,533 extrasolar planets, including a potential life-supporting planet around our nearest stellar neighbor, Proxima Centauri.

Consider the thoughts that go with such celestial facts:

We are not alone in the Universe.

We may not be the superior intelligence in Creation.

Other life must be considered, included and factored into Universal perceptions, alien or not.

We are alien to aliens.

Jupiter follows Mercury, transiting PSR 1257+12 (or PSR 1300+1240 as it has position has been refined, a.k.a. Lich) on the 19th of October. The thoughts seeded above require stirring into philosophic soup. Such as:

Perhaps duality does well by organically expanding to include multiple points of view.

Clearly viable third party candidates can undo political polarization. Viable candidates, Pluto in Capricorn stresses. Don’t bring me malcontents and eccentrics.

Maybe electricity isn’t bipolar. Don’t we see a lot of three prong plugs in multiple nations?

Solipsism sags as a concept for creating personal singularity.

Solipsism is soporific.

Let us remember that Saturn comes up to the Great Attractor (14 Sag 14) on October 29th. With the gravitational vastness of GA we are in reach and it’s happening now. To the points of the above pulsar prompts, GA emanates in all known frequencies, excluding none. Total inclusion. And its gravity bends light such that what is behind it can be seen. None of this hiding something behind the back or holding a plum in reserve.

Now let’s get back to the co-rulers of Scorpio and whatever they conspire to conjure. Whether you like it or not - whether your fear their conjunction or not - they are up to tricks. Better to apply the chicanery well and with full regard for the capriciousness of Capricorn.

Yep, capriciousness. If there were no limits or bounds and you stood on a mountainous crag overlooking amazing mundane dominion, where would you leap? Better yet, where do you yearn to leap? What do you ache to pursue? What course of action would stir your spirit to soar and your consciousness to thrive? Can you get behind the idea that following soulful passion that roots in the purpose for incarnation is the better (best) course to navigate? If you know that creative burning desire cannot be extinguished with rationalization, psychological prohibition or what have you, what’s the answer? Passionately pursue purpose.

Pluto nudges you as you stand on the precipice. Mars agitates and annoys in the background. Pluto suggests you can fly. Mars suggests you can do it. Jupiter, spinning tales faster than the planets orbit that multi-planet pulsar, talks a good story of success, goals, following the dream and all that jazz. Probably as the first step on the journey of a thousand miles is taken, Jupiter casually casts the question: You have a plan, right? A plan based upon a greater purpose? A doctrine of development that is well-founded, clearly thought, option-oriented and fork-in-the-road aware? Good. You got this.

Pluto moves out of the shadows again and asks if you burn to do this. It’s a big step, risking all as you advance to fulfill your mission in life, right? Earlier this year I listened to a studio executive lament about all the screenwriters who come in to pitch ideas and scripts designed to make money, meet the viewing demographics and follow formulas of known success. While that makes sense to Capricorn planets, he went on to say that he wants to hear pitches that the pitching party holds dear, feels in every fiber of her/his being and desires to get into production more than anything else they can imagine. Mars and Pluto emphasize that if it sparks your psyche, likely it will spark other psyches as well. Sparks spread quickly. Fervor quickly spreads to fill the airwaves.

In spite of all that’s spinning about - whether distracting chatter or information essential for successful steps forward - it’s time to follow soul-driven passions. It’s time to apply full drive and intensity to each and every effort in life. It’s useful to assess what aids such purposes and what does not. It’s time to cull, shed skin and expand into the increasing yearnings of the spirit to achieve ultimate expression.

It’s time to enter the boardroom. Confidently stride to the conference table where Mars and Pluto lay out world-changing, Universe-enhancing strategies. Take your seat and put what you’ve got on the table... all of it. As the politicians are quick to remind us, all options are on the table, including those that would inspire a nuclear chain reaction that spreads the best of consciousness yon and yonder.

More soon.